Friday, September 19, 2014

Ahoy, matey!

Avast!  Today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day and we at Little Miss Muffet Stamps thought it would be fun t' celebrate with a mini release of... well... pirates!  Get into t' spirit o' thin's today and instead o' sayin' "Hello!" you can say "Ahoy, Matey!" 

Below t' Beauties have chosen t' showcase two o' the new stamps but thar be more includin' aft-grounds and characters from Make it Crafty and Roberto's Rascals.  Feast your eaye on these creations and be aye t' pick up your favorites for they be on sale through t' weekend.  Click HERE t' go forth and pillage!

Drop anchor and let’s see what crawled out of the bung hole...

(Special thanks goes to this English-to-Pirate Translator.)


  1. We love Talk Like A Pirate Day, in fact husband had already ahoy'd me at 6.00am! Ooh err, that didn't sound starboard did it?!! I meant he shouted ahoy as he went off t' work. Anyway, love t' theme and awesome cards from t' DT! Hugs (blushin') xx
